Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Other Side

Death...The final frontier.

Okay enough of that. Every religion supports a belief in some kind of afterlife. Luckily for you atheists, you no longer have to trudge through the hardships of life working for thirty years just to ultimately be reduced to worm food. Science now has an explanation for you.

A few years ago scientists discovered what they've dubbed the "shadow" dimension, one parallel to our own that consists of an energy replica of every last animate entity on our planet. It is also considered by many white coats to be the fourth dimension. And here's the shocker: the concrete dimension we've grown to know and love makes up less than one percent of our universe. This includes all matter such as planets and everything contained therein - us included. So, if our dimension is completely replicated but accounts for only one percent of all existence, what is the shadow dimension replicating with the other ninety nine percent? The fourth dimension is said to include dimensions one through four, including placement, space, depth, and the fourth, time. But to spare you the headache of quantum physics (yes, this is quantum physics), I'll write an article on the science and what it means to us at another time.

At any rate, the Shadow Dimension contains energy duplicates of everything, both parallel and intersecting. This means you exist twice, and according to Einstein energy can not be destroyed, only altered. The outcome? Science has discovered the human soul, fated to forever perpetuate based on constant change and the raw dynamics of energy.



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